



#3 of the Archetype Collection
The Achiever

Free Open Forgiveness Liberating Trusting Restorative Reassuring Pure Successful

Skye is light and clean. An air of no judgment, and no burdens float around Skye.

Skye restores balance and openness. Skye has a strong affinity to seeking freedom, and trusting the unknown. Releasing fears associated with control and feeling trapped. Skye gives you wings to fly free with confidence and assurance. The Botanicals in this blend understand balance, and the need for restoration. This blend invites happiness and calm, allowing us to feel depths of our emotions, and helps lift sorrow and emotional blocks. It releases the hold and looping of thoughts that swirl around and around trapped in our head. When we soar above, we see with clarity and helps to see a greater perspective. Skye helps to strengthen the CNS, which can often feel frayed and fragile. Fantastic anxiety buster.

Skye was created with an array of botanical plants and essential oils. The organic carriers in this blend are Perfumer’s Alcohol, Castor Oil and Geranium Hydrosol. The essential oils (all organic) used in this blend are refreshing Peppermint, herbal notes of Marjoram, Lemongrass and Clove, and the sweet floral note of Geranium. The entire blend comes together with the addition of sweet meadow grasses, and pine and tulip poplar flowers wildcrafted in South Mountain Pennsylvania.

The inspiration behind the creation of Skye:

As a homeschooling mom, I encouraged my children to explore and create. My youngest daughter Chelsea always had a curiosity to experience and explore. Chelsea lived in her senses, always touching to feel texture, looking to find the unusual, listening to hear the hidden, and tasting to find the layers within. To Chelsea, life was about achieving the unusual and finding strength within. She approaches everything as something to not only experience, but to master and fully embrace. When I introduced her to the world of aromatherapy, she took to it like a fish into water. One day, she asked me if she could try to create a blend that would calm the CNS (central nervous system) and help reduces nerve pain. The objective was to create a medicinal remedy. When she brought the blend to me, I was over the moon……she had not only created a stellar remedy to address what she was looking for, but the aroma was not medicinal, it was fresh, happy and inviting. We ran a test trial to see what our client base thought, and found that it was indeed a very effective remedy for pain, but it also was delightful in scent. Over time, our customers began getting the blend because they loved the scent. They said it had such a calming and freeing effect on them. We knew that we had a winner. Chelsea’s spirit is a huge part of this blend, to step boldly into her intuition, trusting that the process is part of the journey, and to experience it trusting her own gifts. The original name of the blend was ‘Calm Your Nerves’, then we changed it to ‘Nervana’. Because the blend was so popular, I knew that this blend needed to join the Archetype collection.

Another note about Skye. I had a customer come into the shop while we were still a walk in shop. The customer told me that she needed a remedy for her son who was trying to pass his EMT certification, but had failed previously because he ‘locked up ‘in testing. I sold her a bottle of Skye and told her to give him this. 2 weeks later young man walked into the shop in full First responder uniform. He asked to speak to the lady who sold his mother a bottle of Skye. I told him it was me, and I was beaming…. he asked if he could give me a hug, because he passed his EMT, and that Skye did it for him. I smiled at him after the hug and told him that Skye boosted his own gifts that he doubted, he only needed a reminder. The second Archetype being released is Skye.

Skye is given the number #3 because the traits of the Enneagram #3 find resonance. Enneagrams are also archetypes.

Skye is one who lives with assurance and freedom. Skye’s Archetype companions are Angel, Inventor, Helper, Explorer, Seeker, and Pioneer.

Skye’s spiritual animal resonance is the Crane, Heron and Egret.

Above all else, Skye is helps us to feel self-assured. Have you ever watched a hamster on a wheel that goes around and around? I have often said that Skye is who you want if caught metaphorically in a hamster wheel. Spinning round and round without truly getting or going anywhere, but feeling exhausted in the process. Anxiety and life can do that to us. Skye gently takes you off the wheel and calms down the spin and loop. Skye gives us a place to rest and the space to restore our strength, our objectivity and helps us let go of what holds us down.

Skye was created with an array of botanical plants and essential oils. The botanical plants in this blend are harvested from the wild meadows of the mountains. Meadows are a multiverse of co-habitation. So many different kingdoms all living together, soaking up the sun and starlight. The many different grasses are both sweet in scent and nourish so many beings. Mother doe who feed their fawns, crickets, dragon fly and butterflies all dance together. Grasses grow in community, and it is with this energy that Skye finds its energy. Being one with so many and yet peaceful and free to sway with the breezes. These elements are added to the perfume blend of Skye.

Natural Perfume is different from Lab created perfume. Long ago, before the invention of the lab produced perfume, perfumery was all natural, with no preservatives, or chemicals to make a scent linger for hours and hours. The wearer of the perfume knew that applying the perfume frequently or several times a day was normal.

How to wear our natural perfume:
Apply the fragrance directly to your wrists, pulse points, or nape of the neck.
Leave on for about 9 seconds before smelling. This will avoid the overpowering scent of alcohol. The alcohol is the carrier needed in the blend but evaporates very quickly and the other scents come forward.
Now bring your nose to the wrist and gently inhale. Different layers will surface and reveal themselves. Do this a few minutes after the initial application and enjoy the evolution of the perfume mingling with your body chemistry.

Store out of reach of children. For external use only. Handle glass with care. Store in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight.

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